
Online-Journal für systemische Entwicklungen

Learning and Teaching Systemic Therapy

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Mit diesem Schwerpunkt erscheint das letzte Heft des aktuellen Jahrgangs des englischen Journal of Family Therapy. Nachdem bereits das Augustheft 2005 diesem Thema gewidmet war, finden sich hier eine ganze Reihe neuer Arbeiten zum Thema, wobei vor allem neue Ideen für die Vermittlung systemtherapeutischer Theorie und Praxis gefragt waren. Der Gastherausgeber David Cottrell schreibt in seinem Editorial:„We are publishing a range of short papers describing ways to engage with new groups of trainees, brief introductions of other disciplines to systemic ideas or the use of systemic ideas to te ach students from other disciplines about other topics; far example, government policies or theories of change. We see more writing and teaching about the use of self these days and this is reflected in aseries of articles about exercises that encourage trainees to explore different aspects of their selves. There are articles about the use of new technologies, about training in diversity and about assessment. What many of these articles seem to have in common is adesire to create links between systemic theory and practice and the theary and practice of learning and teaching. Ideas about the importance of the learning context, the co-construction of knowledge and the centrality of reflection will be as familiar to teachers as to systemic practitioners. A central cancern is to develop teaching techniques that are congruent with the cantent of what is being taught“ Darüberhinaus sind im Zeitschriftenarchiv des systemagazins ab sofort die bibliografischen Angaben des kompletten Jahrgangs 2003 des Journal zu finden.
Zu den vollständigen abstracts…

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