
Online-Journal für systemische Entwicklungen

International Systemic Research Conference Heidelberg University, March 8-11 2017

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forschungskogress-2017-first_announcementIm März 2017 wird der zweite Internationale Systemische Forschungskongress in Heidelberg stattfinden, der gemeinsam mit der Forschungstagung 2014 die lange deutschsprachige Tradition der Heidelberger systemischen Forschungstagungen in ein europäische Kongressformat überführt hat. Jetzt ist die erste Ankündigung der Kongresspräsidenten Jochen Schweitzer und Matthias Ochs heraus:

„Dear Colleague:

Encouraged by the quality and atmosphere of the March 2014 European Systemic Research Conference with 300 participants, it is with pleasure that we now announce the 2017 conference. It is intended to become an international conference, with sponsoring associations and participants even beyond Europe. The conference venue will be the same: New University building in Heidelberg Old City. It will be slightly longer, from Wednesday to Saturday, allowing for more in-depths discussions and informal exchange. Fees will vary by countries, to enable colleagues from low income countries to attend.

The conference will bring together experienced and young researchers, academicians and research oriented practitioners from the fields of

  • Systemic Psychotherapy, particularly systemic individual, couple, family group and multisystemic therapies
  • Systemic consultation to and within organizations, e.g. coaching, team development, change management in non-for-profit and business organizations
  • Systemic contributions to education, constructivistic teaching, school development, teacher-pupil-parent-interaction, inclusive schools, postgraduate systemic training
  • Systemic Social work, e.g. child and adolescent-focused family counseling, foster care, advocacy, refugee work , working with poor and marginalized populations
  • Theory Building, e.g. on epistemology, narrative, paradox, social systems, chaos and complexity, bio-psycho-social interactions, political psychology

The conference will offer

  • Few keynote lectures from internationally renowned speakers
  • Plenary debates on controversial issues
  • Special topic seminars where three speakers will present and discuss their research
  • Poster sessions to allow for ”deep diving” into very specific research presentations
  • Research method workshops, where qualitative, quantitative and mixed research methodologies will be taught
  • Experimental events and informal gatherings

As in 2014, the conference will be organized by the Institute of Medical Psychology of Heidelberg University Hospital, and will be supported by EFTA (European Association of Family Therapy),
DGSF (German Association for Systemic therapy, consultation and family therapy), SG (Systemic Society) and Heidelbergs local Helm Stierlin Training Institute. We plan to invite more professional
associations to co-sponsor the conference, also from other continents beyond Europe.

We hope to present a first program approx in March 2016 on
and hope to meet you in Heidelberg 2017“

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