
Online-Journal für systemische Entwicklungen

forgotten how to disagree with each other…

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In seinem schönen Editorial zur aktuellen Ausgabe des Journal of Family Therapy schreibt Herausgeber Mark Rivett kritisch zum gegenwärtigen systemischen Diskurs:„Sometimes, as I listen to speakers at conferences, when I read articles or when I hear colleagues reflect on clinical material, I wonder if we have forgotten how to disagree with each other. In other words, I wonder if the systemic concept of multiple perspectives has drained the value out of the differences in those perspectives. Of course, there is nothing worse than debates between those who believe certainty is on their side. Many in those nations currently in turmoil may make the claim that certainty is but a bus stop on the road to oppression. However, family therapy and systemic practice has also privileged the idea that we do not know what we think until we have debated it with others. This debate can be driven by doubt, uncertainty and humility as much as it can be driven by ego, certainty and pride. It is therefore with some pleasure that I introduce this issue jampacked full of controversies“. Im Heft geht es u.a. um die Standards systemischer Kompetenzen, um die Rolle systemischer Expertise bei der professionellen Einschätzung von Risiken, um die Rhetorik von Elternprogrammen und um Fragen der Vertraulichkeit und Verschwiegenheit in der Familientherapie.
Zu den vollständigen abstracts…

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