Jochen Schweitzer, Julika Zwack, Elisabeth Nicolai, Gunthard Weber und Nadja Hirschenberger berichten in einem 2007 im„American Journal of Orthopsychiatry“ erschienenen Artikel von ihrem von 1997-2002 durchgeführten Projekt zur Implementierung systemischer Konzepte in die psychiatrische Versorgung, aus dem unter anderem auch das SYMPA-Projekt resultierte.„This article describes a collaborative action research project, carried out in Germany and designed to promote the integration of family systems thinking and methods into the core practices of everyday psychiatric care. During 19972002, good practice guidelines were compiled in an initial research project, involving 17 in- and outpatient psychiatric services. In the second phase of the project (20022008), the approach is now well established, being taught and evaluated in three state hospitals in Germany. This article outlines the development of the project and the application of family systems psychiatry principles, demonstrating their feasibility and value in a number of different psychiatric hospitals. Two clinical vignettes illustrate the usefulness of the family systems approach as a comprehensive framework for delivering recovery-focused inpatient care“
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Family Systems Psychiatry: Principles, Good Practice Guidelines, Clinical Examples, and Challenges
11. Mai 2010 | Keine Kommentare