
Online-Journal für systemische Entwicklungen

Evidence based Treatment

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Bill Andrews (Foto:, Mitbetreiber des„Human Givens Institute“ und Psychotherapeut in Sheffield sowie„senior associate with the International Centre for Clinical Excellence, beschreibt in einem schönen Artikel über Psychotherapie-Forschung, wie sehr der Psychotherapie-Erfolg von der direkten Rückmeldung der Klienten an die Therapeuten abhängt:„Despite all the research findings endorsing client alliance factors, the mental health field in the UK remains dangerously enamoured of the ultimate, all-powerful silver bullet illusion: evidence-based treatment. The problem with evidence-based treatment is not only the empirically bankrupt notion that, for a particular disorder, there is a specific treatment that is best, but also its total exclusion of the client from consideration. In evidence-based treatment, the client is equated with the problem and the treatment is viewed as if it can be isolated from the most powerful factors that contribute to change: the client’s own resources, perceptions and participation. A review of the research makes clear, however, that the client is actually the single, most potent contributor to outcome in psycho- therapy – through the resources they bring into the therapy room and what influences their lives outside it. These factors might include persistence, willingness to change, faith, optimism, a supportive relative, being a caring parent, running a local group or belonging to a religious community – all important aspects of a client’s life outside of therapy. They also include previously demonstrated strengths and abilities“
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