
Online-Journal für systemische Entwicklungen

Die Überschneidungen von Systemtheorie und Grounded Theory

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In der qualitativen Sozialforschung hat sich der Ansatz der„Grounded Theory“, der von Anselm Strauss und Barney Glaser repräsentiert wird, weithin Ansehen verschafft. In einer Arbeit für die Open Access-Zeitschrift„Qualitative Sociological Review“ 2005 haben Barry Gibson, Jane Gregory und Peter G. Robinson versucht, die Schnittstellen der Grounded Theory mit der Systemtheorie Niklas Luhmanns herauszuarbeiten. In ihrem abstract heißt es:„The aim of this paper is to outline how a theoretical intersection between systems theory and grounded theory could be articulated. The paper proceeds by marking that the important difference between systems theory and grounded theory is primarily reflected in the distinction between a revision of social theory on the one hand and the generation of theory for the social world on the other. It then explores figures of thought in philosophy that relate closely to aspects of Luhmann’s theory of social systems. An effectual intersection, an operational intersection, an intersection based on the concept of primary redundancy and a global/transcendental intersection between systems theory and grounded theory are proposed. The paper then goes on to briefly outline several methodological consequences of the intersection for a grounded systems methodology. It concludes by discussing the sort of knowledge for the social world that is likely to emerge from this mode of observation“
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