
Online-Journal für systemische Entwicklungen

“Seeing Things in a New Light”: Reframing in Therapeutic Conversation

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Die„Rehabilitation Foundation“, eine unabhängige Non-Profit-Stiftung in Finnland, hat in ihrer Veröffentlichungsreihe eine interessante Studie von Antti Mattila herausgegeben, der sich dem Thema„Reframing“ aus einer philosophischen Perspektive annähert:„This is a study in the theory and philosophy of psychotherapy. The focus is on the psychotherapeutic technique of reframing – a technique for helping clients to see their situation in a new light, from a new perspective. This technique is used in many forms of psychotherapy, especially in most forms of family and brief therapies. In this study an attempt is made to clarify the assumptions and presuppositions involved in the use of reframing in psychotherapy. This is done through several theoretical perspectives and especially the perspective of frame theory. In order to illustrate the usefulness of the presented theoretical positions, examples of the use of this technique in psychotherapy are explored in the light of these theoretical perspectives. Some suggestions are then given on how therapists can improve their ability to use reframing. Finally, some epistemological, ontological and ethical issues involved with the use of reframing are explored. In the concluding chapter the results of this study are summarized and discussed“ Lesenswert.
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