Im American Journal of Family Therapy haben Nathan Wood, Russel Crane, Bruce Schaalje und David D. Law 2005 eine Meta-Analyse zum Erfolg von Paartherapie hinsichtlich der Bewältigung von Paarkonflikten unternommen und sind zur Feststellung gekommen, dass der emotionsfokussierte Ansatz einem rein verhaltensbezogenen Ansatz signifikant überlegen ist:„Due to methodological limitations, past meta-analytic research was not able to identify which treatment was most effective for specific marital distress levels. By converting pre- and post-test scores from marital research into equivalent Dyadic Adjustment Scale scores, it was possible to isolate mild, moderate, and severe levels of marital distress. Results show that Emotionally Focused Therapy is significantly more effective than isolated Behavioral Marital Therapy interventions for the treatment of moderate marital distress. Future directions of outcome research are also discussed“
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What Works for Whom: A Meta-Analytic Review of Marital and Couples Therapy in Reference to Marital Distress
24. September 2011 | Keine Kommentare