
Online-Journal für systemische Entwicklungen

The Great Attachment Debate: How important is early experience?

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Die März-April-Ausgabe des Psychotherapy Networker beschäftigt sich mit der Relevanz der Bindungsforschung für die Psychotherapie. Die folgenden Beiträge sind auch online kostenlos zu lesen: 1.„The Attuned Therapist“ von Mary Sykes Wylie und Lynn Turner („In recent years, attachment theory, with its emphasis on early bonding, connection and relationship, has exerted as much influence over the field of psychotherapy as any other perspective. Why then do some critics believe that it’s sending therapists off on the wrong track?“), 2.„Bringing Up Baby“ von Jerome Kagan („While therapists may consider some intuitively appealing ideas about human development—like attachment theory—beyond dispute, the researcher’s job is to challenge unproven explanations shaped more by our biases and preconceptions than by hard evidence“) und 3.„The Verdict Is In“ von Alan Sroufe and Daniel Siegel („Fifty years of research has confirmed that the emotional quality of our earliest attachment relationships is central to our well-being as adults“).
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