
Online-Journal für systemische Entwicklungen

Teaching Family Therapy-Centered Integration: Assimilation and Beyond

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Seit Mitte der 90er Jahre gibt es in den USA Bemühungen, in einem systemischen Rahmen unterschiedliche therapeutische Ansätze auf pragmatische Weise zu integrieren. Bekannte Vertreter dieses Ansatzes sind William Pinsof und Peter Fraenkel, die 2001 im Journal of Psychotherapy Integration eine Arbeit über die Vermittlung dieses Konzeptes verfasst haben. Im abstract heißt es:„This article addresses key themes in the teaching of family therapy-centered  integration and describes the critical role of assimilative integration. The tenets of assimilative integration provide a framework for introducing students to multiple systemic theories and techniques while allowing them to maintain a secure base in one main theory. This form of integration is compared and contrasted to theoretical eclecticisrn, which guides students to become securely based in multiple theories through providing a framework for selecting which systemic approach to use when and with whom. Other issues that shape the form, content, and process of integrative training are discussed including the role of institutional culture and clinical needs, the importance of fully incorporating issues of diversity and social oppression, and the relational context within which teaching and learning take place“
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