Auf dem Montrealer„International Congress of Psychology“ 1996 und den„Annual meetings of the Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology and Life Sciences“ 1998 in Boston schlug der New Yorker Chaostheoretiker Matthijs Koopmans ein Update des klassischen Double-Bind-Konzeptes von Gregory Bateson mithilfe der Theorie nicht-linearer Systeme, der Autopoiese-Theorie und der Chaostheorie vor, das man online lesen kann:„Recent developments in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems theory enable us to address a number of unresolved issues in connection with Gregory Bateson’s double bind theory. This paper conceptualizes the origin of double bind interactions in terms of bifurcations, which occur when interaction in family systems becomes highly unpredictable, and in terms of situations in which the newly emerging attractor is incompatible with the processes through which the system maintains its integrity. This conceptualization forges previously unexamined links between double bind and the differentiation of social systems, between double bind and autopoiesis, and between double bind and chaotic behavior. It is further argued in this paper that our ability to describe double bind in terms of Russell’s paradox does not require that we assume a theory of logical types“
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Schizophrenia and the Family II: Paradox and Absurdity in Human Communication Reconsidered
22. Januar 2010 | Keine Kommentare