
Online-Journal für systemische Entwicklungen

Overselling Our Findings

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familyprocess-2014-2Der Inhalt von Heft 2 des aktuellen Jahrgangs von Family Process  wird von Forschungsartikeln bestritten, u.a. von einem Beitrag der Heidelberger Gruppe (Christina Hunger, Annette Bornhäuser, Leoni Link, Jochen Schweitzer & Jan Weinhold), die ihre schon im Deutschen veröffentlichen Untersuchung der Wirkung von Systemaufstellungen auch hier noch einmal präsentieren. In seinem Editorial schlägt Herausgeber Jay Lebow kritische Töne gegenüber der Darstellung von Forschungsergebnissen an, die sich auch manche AutorInnen von Family Process hinter die Ohren schreiben sollten. Vor allem beklagt er, dass Forschungsergebnisse aufgeblasen und dramatisiert werden, um in der Konkurrenz um Aufmerksamkeit bestehen zu können: „No wonder the temptation exists for researchers and clinicians to search for the strongest and most provocative version of their knowledge, which will create greatest publicity. The appeal is great; oversell and over-dramatize the result and attention will follow. Thus, subtly, conclusions that are about correlation morph into claims about causation. Treatments are spoken of as breakthrough even though these treatments are made up of tried and true universal elements of couple and family therapy (…). Theories come to be described as the theory of addiction, love, or family dynamics, without regard to many other relevant and well-demonstrated theories and constructs that have been validated. Effect sizes for impact somehow raise to unheard of levels. James Coyne (…), one of Family Process‘ editorial advisors, points out that meta-analytic effect sizes of 2 are almost unheard of in science, but somehow such effect sizes often are reported. For example, the effect size of the impact of smoking on health, a very well-established relationship, is .33 (Kuntoro, Mazundar, & Laporte, 2012); large effect sizes are not necessary for impacts to be considerable. Some of the ultimate effects of such exaggerated claims are paradoxical. With such inflation of findings, the objectivity of reports ultimately comes to be challenged, reinforcing the consequent postmodern thought that all realities are intensely subject to influence and narrative.“
Alle bibliografischen Angaben und abstracts des aktuellen Jahrgangs finden Sie hier…

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