
Online-Journal für systemische Entwicklungen

Multidimensional Family Therapy for Adolescent Cannabis Users

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Howard Liddle ist Professor für Epidemiologie und öffentliche Gesundheit und leitet das Zentrum zur Erforschung der Behandlung von Drogenmissbrauch bei Jugendlichen an der medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Miami. Als Psychologe und Familientherapeut ist er ein international anerkannter Experte für Drogenmissbrauch bei Jugendlichen und jugendliche Straftäter. Auf dem EFTA-Kongress 2004 in Berlin hat er seine Arbeit auch in Deutschland vorgestellt. Sein Buch„Multidimensional Family Therapy for Adolescent Cannabis Users“ ist online frei erhältlich. Im Vorwort heißt es:„MDFT is a family-based outpatient treatment developed for clinically referred adolescents with drug and behavioral problems …. The approach strives for consistency and a coherent and logical connection among its theory, principles of intervention, and intervention strategies and methods. The intervention methods derive from target population characteristics, and they are guided by research-based knowledge about dysfunctional and normal adolescent and family development. Interventions work within the multiple ecologies of adolescent development, and they target the processes known to produce and/or maintain drug taking and related problem behaviors. Similar developmental challenges may be common to all adolescents and their families, and these are central assessment and treatment focuses (Liddle & Rowe, 2000). At the same time, considerable variation may be demonstrated in the expression of these generic develop – mental challenges. In MDFT, therapists are sensitive to these individual adolescent and family variations. With each case, therapists seek to understand the unique manifestations of developmental problems“
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