
Online-Journal für systemische Entwicklungen

Microanalysis of Communication in Psychotherapy

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Psychotherapie ist ein komplexes Geschäft. Das wird spätestens dann deutlich, wenn man sich therapeutische Kommunikation unter einer mikroanalytischen Perspektive betrachtet. Janet Beavin Bavelas (Foto:, die bereits in den 60er Jahren gemeinsam mit Paul Watzlawick und Don D. Jackson den Klassiker„Menschliche Kommunikation“ verfasst hat, ist seit dieser Zeit als Forscherin mit der Mikroanalyse therapeutischer Prozesse beschäftigt. Gemeinsam mit Dan McGee, Bruce Phillips und Robin Routledge hat sie 2000 im Journal„Human Systems: The Journal of Systemic Consultation & Management“ einen wunderbaren Aufsatz über ihre Arbeit verfasst. Im abstracts heißt es:„Microanalysis, which is the close examination of actual communication sequences, can be a useful way to understand how therapeutic communication works. This is a preliminary report on our research group’s applications of microanalysis to communication in psychotherapy. We first describe the historical origins in the Natural History of an Interview Project of the 1950’s and then the subsequent evolution of an alternative paradigm for psychotherapy, which has two key tenets: communication as co-constructive (vs. merely information transmission) and a more positive (vs. pathological) view of clients. Next, we use microanalysis to illustrate how communication in therapy, examined closely, cannot be nondirective. Finally, we describe the functions of three specific discursive tools available to therapists: Questions both embed the therapist’s presuppositions and invite the client to co-construct a particular version of events. Formulations (such as paraphrasing or reflection) inevitably transform, to some degree, what the client has said. Lexical choice, or the decision to use particular words or phrases, can create new perspectives. Each of these tools is illustrated by contrasting their use in traditional and alternative therapeutic approaches. We propose that the effects of each of these tools are inevitable; the only choice is how to use them“
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