
Online-Journal für systemische Entwicklungen

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Für einen begrenzten Zeitraum stehen die Inhalte von Heft 1 des englischen Journal of Family Therapy sowie ein Supplement-Band zum Thema Familientherapie bei Essstörungen auf der website des Wiley-Verlages kostenlos zum Download bereit, darunter ein interessanter Artikel von Elizabeth W. Davies über Metaphern in der Familientherapie-Theorie am Beispiel von Salvador Minuchin, Carl Whitaker und Michael White. Im abstract heißt es: „This article examines the metaphors family therapists use in their theories to reveal aspects of the theories which are not explicitly stated, using Whitaker’s symbolic experiential therapy, Minuchin’s structural therapy and White’s narrative therapy as examples. Such examination, drawing on social constructivist understandings of metaphor and meaning making, reveals that Minuchin’s metaphors of family as organism and therapist as artist and warrior emphasize the family as relatively holistic and the therapist as relatively interventionist. In contrast, Whitaker’s metaphor of family as ecological system or team and therapist as coach emphasizes the interdependence and context sensitivity of the family and relative powerlessness of the therapist to impose change. Finally, White, reflecting his explicitly post-structural commitment, uses the metaphor of therapy as a journey undertaken with a map and as therapy as an act of re-narrating a story.“
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