
Online-Journal für systemische Entwicklungen

Interview mit Nora Bateson

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Im „Ecologist“ hat Rachel Fleming ein interessantes Interview mit der Filmemacherin Nora Bateson geführt, das am 11.1.2012 anlässlich einer Aufführung ihres außerordentlich erfolreichen Films „An Ecology of Mind“ über ihren Vater Gregory Bateson online erschienen ist. Im Interview geht es unter anderem um die Frage, was wohl Bateson zur heutigen Situation auf der Welt gesagt hätte. Nora Bateson: „The double bind has been categorised as a theory pertaining to psychology. But in fact it’s an evolutionary theory. The double bind we are in is one in which to feed our children and survive from day to day, we are taking part in socio-economic systems that are eliminating the long-term survival of ourselves and our children. We are stuck either way. We are in a feedback loop. The way to get out is first of all by recognising it. It’s still only a pattern. If you can see it you can start to get some leverage. The kind of leverage we need to be working towards is creative improvisation to start thinking in new ways. We have an opportunity to do that – as the days go by, the stakes get higher. I think he would say that the first thing to do is to stop seeing these issues as separate problems. They are all the same problem. Ecologists don’t want to talk about culture and communications for example. The expanse of the conversation we need to have, the complexity of it all, seems huge. How can we even begin to learn each other’s rhetoric? But the fact is that linearity, which we have at the moment, is so much more complicated. In film-making terms, because that’s what I do, I would say that the choice we currently have is to zoom in or zoom out.“
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