
Online-Journal für systemische Entwicklungen


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Einen schönen Überblicksartikel über den Ansatz der Family Group Conference (FGC) haben Cathy Ashley und Paul Nixon verfasst, der auf der website des International Institute for Restorative Practices zu finden ist:„The paper considers the context in which FGCs are being introduced, summarises the key principles of FGCs and how they are currently being applied and considers the wider implications for future policy and practice. FGCs embody a strong set of values about people. At the heart of FGC philosophy are political and social principles of respect for citizens, self-determination, democracy, collective responsibility and the impor- tance of family relationships, culture and identity to children’s lives. The FGC model seeks to transform relationships between the State and families on matters concerning the care and well-being of children. FGCs originated in New Zealand with Maori groups inspiring and leading change as a response to oppressive practice and institutional racism from state agencies who sought to impose ‘solutions’ on families, and in doing so separated many children from their communities“
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