
Online-Journal für systemische Entwicklungen

Eve Lipchik im Gespräch

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Eve Lipchik (Foto: war von 1980 bis 1988 mit Steve de Shazer und Insoo Kim Berg Mitglied des Kernteams des Brief Family Therapy Centers in Milwaukee. Auf der website des brieftherapynetwork ist ein Interview aus dem Jahre 2003 mit ihr zu lesen, in dem sie Auskunft über ihre Vorgehensweise im therapeutischen Gespräch gibt, so etwa über das von ihr so genannte Dual-Track-Thinking:„Language is an interdependent action, and meaning is co-constructed. There can be no clear boundary drawn between therapist and client. However, the therapist, as a paid professional, has a role to fulfill in relation to clients that requires some self-reflection. “Paying attention” to understand what clients think, feel, want, and how they respond is one aspect of that role. Choosing a response to what is experienced in relation to the client is an equally important part of that role. I call the process of monitoring my own experience of my conversation with clients, and how to choose my responses, “dual track thinking.” I imagine that there are two tracks running through my head. One track registers my observations about the client and the other one my own reactions to what I observe. Those reactions include my honest feelings about the clients as well as myself“
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