
Online-Journal für systemische Entwicklungen

Ein sozialkonstruktionistischer Ansatz in der Arbeit mit Alleinerziehenden

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Joan D. Atwood, Direktorin des„Graduate Programs in Marriage and Family Therapy“ an der Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York, und Autorin zahlreicher familientherapeutischer Veröffentlichungen und Arbeiten zur Script-Theorie, setzt sich mit einem Beitrag mit der Therapie von Ein-Eltern-Familien aus sozialkonstruktionistischer Perspekte auseinander, die aus ihrer Sicht die jeweils einseitigen normativen Ansätze traditioneller Therapierichtungen einerseits (die sich auf„normale Familienmodelle“ beziehen) und des lösungsorientierten Ansatzes andererseits transzendiert, der die Ressourcen zu Lasten der Probleme betont, die die Klienten überhaupt erst in Therapie gebracht haben:„Traditional models of therapy, based on modernist assumptions, embrace a position of certainty in that there is a model of normalcy, to which the therapist then compares the person/family in therapy. In so doing, s/he focuses on how different the family is from the norm, i.e. deficit focus, and decides which interventions are needed to bring the family closer to the norm. Solution focused therapy, although accepting of post-modernist assumptions, in many ways is a therapy of certainty in that there is a focus on the competencies, resources, and strengths to the exclusion in some cases of the reason why the person/family came to therapy in the first place. As such, both models represent a one sided view of the phenomena they study. Although there is much overlap, it is the contention of this paper to state that these models- the traditional psychotherapies and the solution focused therapies- operate from a position of certainty and thus are representative of an either/or perspective in that they tend to leave out the other half of the picture. This paper presents a six stage social constructionist therapeutic model which takes into account both the trauma/problem and its effects and the competencies and the strengths of the clients, assisting the client to expand their reality rather than assisting them to replace their problem reality with the flip side-the competencies and strengths. The model is then explored and applied to the single parent household“
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