
Online-Journal für systemische Entwicklungen

Die Macht triadischer Prozesse

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Das aktuelle Heft 4/2008 der Zeitschrift„Family Process“ enthält einen spannenden Themenblock mit Forschungsbeiträgen zur frühen Entwicklung triadischer Muster in der Interaktion von Eltern und Kleinstkindern. Die Herausgeberin Evan Imber-Black schreibt hierzu in ihrem Editorial:„The Special Section on The Power of Triadic Processes Among Infants and Their Parents (Cannon, Schoppe-Sullivan, Mangelsdorf, Brown, & Szewczyk Sokolowski, 2008; Gordon & Feldman, 2008; McHale, Elliston, Talbot, Parmley, & Kuesten-Hogan, 2008; McHale, Fivaz-Depeursinge, Dickstein, Robertson, & Daley, 2008), highlights just how early complex family relationships begin to take shape. (These papers arrived separately to the journal over the last several months and represent a significant and continuing research agenda of key importance to family therapists.) As noted by Feldman and Gordon (2008, p.), ‘‘. . . at the first stages of family formation indeed during its first months families already form specific habitual modes of relatedness which can cohere into specific synchronized patterns. Such patterns are likely to provide the foundation for the family interaction style in the years to come.’’When we are working with a family coping with the aftermath of a pain invoking will, we may well be witnessing the toxic fruition of a problematic and amplified multidecade triadic process. I am suggesting that the papers on wills are inextricably linked in a circular and systemic fashion with the papers on triadic process, infant development, and family formation. The beginnings of family relationships in a young family may well foreshadow later adult child and parent and grown sibling relationships“ Darüber hinaus und unter anderem ist auch noch ein Beitrag von Elizabeth Stone über den letzten Willen und Testamente in der Literatur zu lesen, der von einem Kommentar Monika McGoldricks über die Bedeutung von Testamenten für die Familiendynamik begleitet wird.
zu den vollständigen abstracts…

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