
Online-Journal für systemische Entwicklungen

CMM and the co-construction of domestic violence

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1983 erschien in der„Familiendynamik“ ein Aufsatz von V.E. Cronen, K.M. Johnson und J.W. Lannaman mit dem Titel„Paradox, Doppelbindung und Rückkoppelungsschleifen: Eine alternative theoretische Perspektive“, in dem sie das Konzept des„Coordinated Management of Meaning“ (CMM) vorstellten, das beschreibt, wie soziale Ereignisse in Kommunikationsprozessen hergestellt und aufrechterhalten werden. Im Laufe der Jahre ist das Konzept immer wieder auch empirisch eingesetzt worden. In der Zeitschrift„Human Systems“ haben Nalla Sundarajan und Shawn Spano vom Department of Communication Studies an der San José State University 2004 einen Artikel publiziert, der das CMM zur Beschreibung von Partnergewalt als ko-konstruierte Kommunikationspraxis einsetzt und Interventionsvorschläge entwickelt. Im Resüme am Ende heißt es:„One of the woman participants interviewed for this study used the following analogy to describe her state of fear in the relationship with her husband: “When an elephant is young, they train it with a chain; by the time he’s old they can just put a string around it. Even though the string is not strong enough to hold it, the elephant is trained.” Patterns of communication that are constructed in abusive relationships ensnare the participants in horrible and dehumanizing forms of life. The understanding of this complex phenomenon from the perspective of CMM offers a description of how relational abuse emerges and is maintained, and a set of practical techniques for changing, altering, and transforming the patterns in which relational abuse is made. Thus, CMM provides a theoretical vocabulary and mode of inquiry for both describing (i.e. mapping) and resolving (i.e. reframing) domestic abuse. Our highest aspiration is to use CMM as a means of providing hope to those who suffer the pain and degradation of domestic violence. Women who are abused do not have to be bound up in patterns of communication that enable relational abuse to thrive. Through CMM descriptions and interventions, they can come to see how they can break free of the patterns that bind them to domestic violence because unlike the elephant, women in abusive relationships can act on the knowledge that they are bound by strings, not chains“
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