
Online-Journal für systemische Entwicklungen

Change is an Ongoing Ethical Event

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Soeben ist die neueste Ausgabe des Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy erschienen, das von der website des Wiley-Verlages momentan kostenlos heruntergeladen werden kann. Unter den Artikeln ist auch ein Beitrag von Tore Dag Bøe, Kjell Kristoffersen, Per Arne Lidbom, Gunnhild Ruud Lindvig, Jaakko Seikkula, Dagfinn Ulland & Karianne Zachariassen, der sich mit therapeutischem Wandel als ethischem Problem beschäftigt. Im abstract heißt es:„In this article, we use the intersubjective ethics of Bakhtin and Levinas and a case illustration to explore change in therapy as an ethical phenomenon. We follow Lakoff and Johnson in their emphasis on the way our conceptions of change seem permeated by metaphors. Bakhtin and Levinas both suggest through a language in which metaphors play a crucial role, that human existence—the consciousness and the subject—emerge within the dialogue of the encounter. They both describe the dynamics of human existence as ethical in their origin. Following this, we argue that change may be seen as an ongoing ethical event and that the dynamics of change are found in the ways we constantly become in this event. We investigate the ethical dynamics of this ongoing event through three themes illuminating the contributions of both Bakhtin and Levinas: (1) we become as responsible, (2) we become in speaking, (3) we become in answering the unknown. We explore these themes through a case illustration. Finally, we briefly point out some possible implications for mental health practice“.
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