
Online-Journal für systemische Entwicklungen


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Auf der website der EFTA findet sich ein sehr persönlicher Bericht von Juan Luis Linares, früherer Vorsitzender der EFTA, über seinen Lernprozess als Therapeut:„However as an art, therapy desperately needs learning III or deutero-learning, Socratic maieutics, aporia, perplexity. And it is here that a factor as important as motivation enters the equation: seduction. The irresistible attraction felt when faced with a certain experience takes us by surprise at an unexpected moment in which the subject becomes aware of something indefinable that has taken hold of and awakened him or her. This seduction may be caused by another person, generally a lecturer or teacher in the case of learning processes, but it may also emerge out of practice and be associated with experiences which have such an impact on the subject that they induce change. Naturally, there are no objective laws that govern such experiences, and we can never be sure which people or situations we will find ourselves being seduced by. What follows is a series of cases or situations, involving individuals or families, which have had a determining influence on me. In all of them I have learnt something important that, in one way or another, has become incorporated into my way of understanding the clinical practice of family therapy. In other words, these people or situations have influenced not only my way of working but also my corresponding theoretical development. For that reason, they can be considered as the co-authors of my therapeutic model“
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