
Online-Journal für systemische Entwicklungen

Brief Strategic Therapy. Knowing by changing

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In einem Beitrag für die„Brief Strategic and Systemic Therapy European Review“ (1/2004) stellt Giorgio Nardone (Foto: seine Fragetechnik im Erstgespräch vor, die anstelle von offenen Fragen geschlossene Fragen vorsieht, in denen jeweils vom Therapeuten Antwortalternativen generiert werden:„This article is a revised version of the workshop carried out by Prof. Nardone held on the last day of the conference. The workshop explored the importance of the first session and the use of the strategic dialogue in the Advanced Brief Strategic Model. Through the use of the strategic dialogue, the first session, now, embraces the first stage of the therapy, that is, the definition of the problem, the identification of the perceptive-reactive system and of the attempted solutions and definition of objectives) and the second stage, where small changes already take place“
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